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Get thousands of vector illustrations for Canva

Access millions of free and premium illustrations. Search for any illustration, then click to instantly add it to Canva – without switching apps or browser tabs.

Over 460,000+ vector illustrations for Canva

Adding design assets with the IconScout app for Canva is a breeze!

Canva has empowered the world to design, and the IconScout app for Canva is here to enhance that experience with just a few clicks!


1. Install IconScout app for Canva


2. Choose a template, start designing with high-quality design assets


3. Drag and drop design assets

Plus, get access to vector icons, 3D illustrations and lottie animations

Over 6.1 million+ icons, vector illustration, 3D illustration and Lottie animations.

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Unlock stunning vector illustrations for your Canva designs