
AI Illustration Generator

Transform your text prompts into vectors with IconScout’s AI illustration generator. Get instant illustrations that match your style and aesthetic and perfectly align with your projects.
Select a illustration style to generate your asset
Fun Empty States
Design And Development
Black Friday
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Experience the magic of AI-generated vectors

These stunning illustrations were all generated from simple prompts.
Try them out in your designs to experience the magic ✨

Trusted by 6.3 Million+ users worldwide

GoogleAmazonDisneyDuolingoUberInstacartGrabCredNetflixTiktokMicrosoftAirbnb Spotify

Fast-track your creation

Looking to create a unique illustration in a matter of seconds? IconScout’s AI Illustration generator is here to help. Simply type your idea, and AI Illustration generator will generate customizable vector illustrations that match your prompt.

Basketball Player with Prompt

Dozens of styles to match your own

Pick a style from the diverse range of illustration packs within the AI Illustration generator library. Effortlessly transform text prompts into vector illustrations with our AI generator, ideal for websites, apps, ads, posters, print and more.

Vector Styles

Refine your vision

If AI doesn't quite capture what you had in mind, feel free to experiment with a more detailed prompt until you reach your desired result. These editable vectors can be customized by tweaking the nodes, scale, and colors.

Swap colors

Match your brand's color palette by adjusting colors to align with your brand palette. Explore more customizable options for editing illustrations with our SVG Editor.

How AI Illustration generator works

Three easy steps to transform your ideas


Responsible AI

Built with a commitment to user privacy and ethical AI use, we ensure that no content uploaded or personal data is used in training our models, or saved to our servers.


The illustrations generated can be used for commercial purposes, without any copyright or legal restrictions.

Generate AI illustration in the style you like

Select a style from illustration packs to generate your own asset.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Running Character
Floating UFO

Create your own illustration today with the power of AI.