
IconScout for Spline

Add over 467,000+ 3D models and illustrations from IconScout to your interactive 3D design tool, Spline. Customize them to create stunning 3D models, animations, textures and more in real-time.

How to add 3D models to Spline in just a few minutes

Transform IconScout’s design assets into 3D masterpieces in Spline with these simple steps.

1. Download your asset

Find and download your 3D design asset in PNG, BLEND, glTF, and more popular formats.

2. Insert and customize

Import, then tweak colors and interactivity.

3. Insert into your projects

Easily integrate the customized 3D asset into your final design.

Explore 3D packs for every use case and industry imaginable

Neo Banking 3D Icon Pack

Neo Banking 3D Icon Pack

20 3D Icons
Marketing 3D Illustration Pack

Marketing 3D Illustration Pack

20 3D Illustrations
Job Benefits & Perks 3D Icon Pack

Job Benefits & Perks 3D Icon Pack

20 3D Icons
Empty State 3D Icon Pack

Empty State 3D Icon Pack

20 3D Icons
Web Development 3D Icon Pack

Web Development 3D Icon Pack

15 3D Icons
Payment Transaction 3D Icon Pack

Payment Transaction 3D Icon Pack

15 3D Icons
Online Shopping 3D Icon Pack

Online Shopping 3D Icon Pack

20 3D Icons
Accounting Management 3D Icon Pack

Accounting Management 3D Icon Pack

20 3D Icons
MetaPeople 3D Icon Pack

MetaPeople 3D Icon Pack

20 3D Icons

High-quality 3D illustrations you can integrate in Spline

Frequently Asked Questions


Explore more IconScout 3D design assets for Spline