Rio Carnival hero background.png

Download thousands of colorful Rio Carnival design assets

Add a touch of Brazilian flair to your designs with 20,000+ Rio Carnival icons, vector illustrations, 3D illustrations, and Lottie animations.

Get into the Samba groove with feathers, drums, dances, costumes, and more

Relish and flaunt the carnival experience with festive design assets

Carnival 3D Icon Pack

Carnival 3D Icon Pack

20 3D Icons

Rio Carnival Animated Icon Pack

30 Animated Icons
Carnival Icon Pack

Carnival Icon Pack

100 Icons
Carnival Element Vol.2 3D Icon Pack

Carnival Element Vol.2 3D Icon Pack

20 3D Icons

Rio Carnival Animated Icon Pack

6 Animated Icons
Carnival Icon Pack

Carnival Icon Pack

36 Icons

Explore creative assets for global events, festivals, and days

Millions of icons, vector illustrations, 3D illustrations and Lottie animations for any holiday, festival, or celebration

Let the vibrant colors spark your design assets

Edit and customize design assets in a few clicks with our Color Palette.


Indulge in the vibrancy and excitement of Rio Carnival with our design assets