Convert Lottie to WebP (.webp)

Easily convert your Lottie animations to WebP. Use these high quality WebP images in your designs
such as websites, mobile apps, social media posts, prototypes, infographics and more.
Convert your files :

Drag and drop your json files here

Your files are safe! We use the best encryption methods to protect your data. All documents are automatically deleted from our servers

Select format

Choose the file formats from the above menu like Lottie to MP4, Lottie to GIF, Lottie to WebP, Lottie to WebM, Lottie JSON to dotLottie, etc.

Upload file

Drag and drop your files or select files from your system. Max, you can select up to 20 Lottie JSON files.


Download converted file with best quality output. You can also download multiple files in one ZIP archive

High quality and customizable design assets for all your design needs

Over 10.2 Million+ icons, illustrations, 3D illustrations and Lottie animations.

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